- English
- French
- Colour
- Sound
University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario: 16mm.
York University, Toronto, Ontario: VHS.
"Illustrates the operation of an atomic reactor and describes the special features of the Canadian CANDU system."
University of Waterloo Audiovisual Services Catalog.
"This film offers audiences a clear illustration of how an atomic reactor produces electricity. Special features of the Canadian CANDU (Canada Deuterium Uranium) system are explained: on-power refuelling; the use of natural uranium; the use of heavy water as moderator. CANDU is recognized internationally as a leader in man's search for new sources of energy."
Online Database National Film Board of Canada.
"This film offers audiences a clear illustration of how an atomic reactor produces electricity. Special features of the Canadian CANDU (Canada Deuterium Uranium) system are explained: on-power refuelling; the use of natural uranium; the use of heavy water as moderator. CANDU is recognized internationally as a leader in the search for new sources of energy. This film is a revision of Power from the Atom."