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À l'écoute des griots
A Place for Everything
Adele and the Ponies of Ardmore
Agriculture Canada
Barbados West Indian Wonderland
Beyond the Sunset
Blackfoot Indians of Alberta
Borderline Cases
Bronco Busters
Calgary Stampede : Banff Indian Days
Le Canada français est resté fidèle
Canada from East to West and Then Glimpses of Various Phases of Life
Canadian Identity
Canadian National Pictorial
China the Ancient
Chinese Community : Wai-Yee and Wah-Hon, British Columbia
La Cité de Notre-Dame
City of Rivers
Did You Know That?
Did You Know That? Fourth Edition
Did You Know That? Second Edition
Did You Know That? Third Edition
Distant Cousins
Down by the Sea
Education and Recreation
En avant Lafontaine
Être adolescent
Femme forte
Forward Canada!
French Canadians
The Fruitful Earth
The Gaels of Cape Breton
Glass and You
Good Friday in Little Italy
Great Canadian Comics
The Hands Are Sure
Heap Busy Indians
I Was Born Here
Ici on parle français
Les Îles du Saint-Laurent
Inniun nipatakanu
Instruction et vie sociale
Jamaica Sings
Jenny's Arctic Diary
John Fisher Spots : Centennial Overtures
Journey Into Our Heritage
Katei Seikatsu
Kitkatla : A Community Involvement in Education
Klondike Holiday
Kootenay Indians of British Columbia
Kueste tshe skamit : l'autre monde ou le territoire des âmes
La Mémoire du sang : panorama de la poésie négro-africaine
La Nourriture
La Rivière du Gouffre
La Traverse d'hiver à l'Île aux Coudres
Land Is Our Culture
Les Artisans
Les Pionniers du Haut-Canada
Littérature négro-africaine : évolution du roman
Littérature négro-africaine : genèse
Littérature négro-africaine : le théâtre et son histoire
Littérature négro-africaine : roman et traditions
Littérature négro-africaine : tradition créatrice
Littérature négro-africaine : tradition vivante
Manitoba Festival Country
The Mapleville Story
Mushuau innu
Nass River Indians
New Horizons
Ninstints : Shadow Keepers of the Past
Northern Challenge
Ntesi nana shepen : on disait que c'était notre terre, partie 1
Ntesi nana shepen : on disait que c'était notre terre, partie 2
Ontario Arts Council
Our Canadian Family
Our Heritage
Paquashipu : la rivière sèche
People of the Far North
Peoples of Canada
Peoples of Canada [revised version]
Pisciculture, les truites
Présence culturelle du Québec
Report on Japan : No. 2 We Rebuild
The Romance of Huronia
Rural Québec Folkways
Saving the Sagas
Second Look at Canada
Stones of Angkor
Stoney Indians of Alberta
Suite gaspésienne
Summer of the Loucheux : A Portrait of a Northern Indian Family
The Carrier Indians of British Columbia
The Gateway of the North : City of North Bay
The Grand Festival
The Lure of Montreal
The Pile of Bones
The Quality of a Nation
Things You Ought to Know About Your Town
This Generation
Tony Hunt, Kwakiutl Artist
Totem Land
Ukrainian Christmas Traditions
We Just Take It All for Granted
Weekend in Quebec
Wonderland of Gaspé
[Mackenzie Park]