Passengers |
Pay-Dirt Angling |
Peace of Mind |
People of the Far North |
People of the Maritimes : Men of Lunenburg |
People with a Purpose |
Photo Finish |
Physical Aspects of Puberty |
Physical Education of Rural Schools : Indoors |
Physical Education of Rural Schools : Outdoors |
Picture Making at the Gang Age |
Picture Making by Teenagers |
Picture Province |
Pin High |
Pioneer Village at Black Creek |
Pipe Line Patrol |
Placing and Splicing Operations |
Polysar |
Portage |
Power and Passage |
Power from Labrador |
Power from the Atom |
Power in Perpetuity |
Power of Pennies |
Power to Live By |
The Power Within |
Prenatal |
Pressure Golf |
The Prevention of Disability in Rheumatoid Arthritis |
Pride of Possession |
Principles of Development |
Programme for People : CUSO in Columbia |
Project Sentinel |
Proof of Performance |
Put This in Your Pipe |
Quacks and Nostrums |
Qualicum by the Sea |
Queen's Century II |
Queen's University at Kingston |
Quetico |
Rabbit Holes, Sticks and Anything Round |
Radiation for Industry |
Raphide Emission in Dieffenbachia |
Reach Out a Friendly Hand |
Red Carpet |
Repeat Performance |
Report on Japan |
Report on Japan : No. 2 We Rebuild |
Research for Tomorrow |
The Revolution Is Now |
Revue filmée du téléphone |
Ring Out the Old, Ring In the New |
Roads to Reading |
Robin Hood |
Rocky Mountain Trout |
Rogerstone |
Royal Canadian Regiment : A Short Film History |
Royal Tribute |
RX for Maryanne |
S.B. Williams Retirement |
Safe Driving |
Safety Oriented First Aid |
Safety With Comfort |
The Saga of Safety Sam |
Saguenay |
Saint John : A Harbour Reborn |
Salvage of the M/V Fort William |
Saskatchewan Jubilee |
Saskatchewan Our University |
Satellite Communications Canada |
Scarlet and Gold |
Scenes from the Crawley Collection |
School Mental Health Service |
School Safety Patrols |
Scouts '68 |
Sea Ice in Canadian Waters : The View from Outer Space |
Seal Hunt |
Search Without End |
Selling Your Personality |
Sense Into Dollars |
Shooting Is Fun |
Shot Gun Lady |
Should You Drink? |
Si tu t'en souviens |
Sibling Relations and Personality |
Sifto Salt |
Signals |
Sinews of Industry |
Sixteen to Twenty-Six |
Ski in the Valley of the Saints |
Skyline Trails |
Skywatch on 55 |
Snow Fighters |
Social Acceptability |
Social Development |
Social-Sex Attitudes in Adolescence |
Something to Crow About |
Song for a Miner |
Speckled Trout |
Sport of Orienteering |
St. George's and the Dragons |
St. John Ambulance in Canada |
Stainless Steel in Architecture |
Stampede to Snowcaps |
Start of a Lifetime |
Story of St. Nick |
Success Story |
Survival |
Swinging with the Stars |
A Tale of New Cities |
Tanga Man |
Tea |
Teamwork in Action |
Technology in the Forest |
Tel que prescrit |
Telephone Technique |
The Terrible Twos and the Trusting Threes |
Tête-à-la-Baleine |
The 25th Box |
The 5th Ingredient |
The Acadians |
The Alberta Story |
The Anti-Tank Mine Mark V |
The Avro Jetliner |
The Builders |
The Calcium Chloride Road |
The Challenge of Change |
The Challenge of the Labrador |
The Chartered Accountant in Canada |
The Coppermetals |
The Electronic Highway |
The Entertainers |
The Essence of Life |
The Face of an Addict |
The Farewell Message of Lord Rowallan |
The Food Connection |
The Frontier Land |
The Gap |
The Gasline |
The Geography of Canada |
The Gold Cup Comes Home |
The Great Danish from Denmark |
The Great River |
The Harbour Bridge |
The Hay Stack Murder |
The Hydrographers... A Training Survey |
The Jet Age |
The Lastex Story |
The Librarian |
The Lisbon Mine Story |
The Long Silence |
The Man Who Skied Down Everest |
The Mapmakers |
The Mine in the Valley |
The Museum Train |
The Music Machine : Sackbut |
The National Parks of Canada |
The New Baby |
The Observer : Bank Holdup |
The Order of Good Cheer |
The Other Ones |
The Perpetual Harvest |
The Potato and Mrs. Kelly |
The Powerful Horseshoe |
The Quality of a Nation |
The Quiet Betrayal |
The Right Approach |
The Rustler |
The Same Is My Brother |
The Sinews of Industry |
The Sower : [trailer] |
The Story of Meat in Canada |
The Story of the 44th Canadian Open Golf Championship |
The Summer Before |
The Sun Don't Shine on the Damwe Dawg's Back All the Time |
The Tales of the Wizard of Oz : Brain Child |
The Teens |
The Ten Parts of Canada : On the Side of Angels |
The Town and the Mill |
The Town and the Mill, As Told by Andy Clark |
The Tragicall Hiftorie of Hamlet Prince of Denmarke |
The Unveiling of the Artillery Memorial |
The Want of a Suitable Playhouse |
The Wetlanders |
The Winner's Touch |
The Year of the Crown for Art Wall Jr. |
These Names Live On |
This Is My Invention |
This Nuclear Age |
Tides of Fundy |
To Bala for a Bible |
To See, No. 1 |
To Sense the Wonder |
Today's Firefighter |
Tomorrow Today |
Tomorrow's Waterfront Today |
Tough New Breed |
Toutes isles |
Track Down |
Trading in the North |