Al Neil - A Portrait |
Armand Frappier : Pasteur, mon violon, ma mère et moi |
Brass and Percussion |
Canada at 8.30 |
Coast Salish Indians of British Columbia |
Design to Music |
En r'venant de St-Hilarion |
Glenn Gould's Toronto |
God Save the King |
Grey Cup Philharmonic |
Group Therapy |
Guy Lombardo |
Heap Busy Indians |
Ici et là [1951] |
Jamaica Sings |
Janis |
L'École du succès |
La Faculté de musique de l'Université de Montréal |
La Rivière du Gouffre |
The Man Who Walked Baby Back Home |
Melody Ranch |
Music from the Stars |
The Musical Ride |
Nass River Indians |
Nootka Indians of British Columbia |
O Canada |
Orison |
Parade |
Saving the Sagas |
Spotlight No. 1 |
Spotlight No. 4 |
Spotlight No. 5 |
Strings |
The Metric Song |
The Music Machine : Sackbut |
The Nova Scotia Song : Conversations with Helen Creighton |
The Sad Phoenician and Friends : A Trio for Sculpture, Words and Music |
The Waterloo Trip |
This Is Stompin' Tom |
Thursday's Eartha |
Totem Land |
Twice as Nice as Paradise |
Le Vagabond et En roulant ma boule |
Weekend in Quebec |
Woodwinds |