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Tough New Breed

Accession number: 
Production Years: 


Film Properties: 
Length (feet): 
1017 (16mm)
Holding Institutions: 

Library and Archives Canada
"The story of the 1961 Canadian Open Golf Championship which takes a look at the traditional stars - Billy Casper, Doug Ford, Doug Sanders, Dow Finsterwald, as well as newcomers the Cupit brothers, Dave Hill, Tom Nieporte, Tony Lema, and others. This year's open was won by Jacky Cupit and it took place at Winnipeg's Niakwa Country Club in heavy rain and mud. Winning score was 270."


Crawley Films, Free Films: Sources of Free 16mm Sponsored Films in Canada Compiled and Published by Crawley Films (Ottawa: Crawley Films, April 1969): 35.
"Canadian Open Golf Championships, each year from 1948 to present."

William Clarke: animation.