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Accession number: 


Directors of Photography:


Other Personnel:

Production Years: 


Film Properties: 
Length (feet): 
662 (16mm)
Length (minutes): 
Holding Institutions: 

Library and Archives Canada: 16mm, VHS.
"A look at the Saguenay River located in the wilderness of the Canadian Shield, its tributaries, dams and the water power it produces providing electricity for the production of aluminum. Storage dams are used throughout the lake and river systems of the area. A dam makes a reservoir of Lake Manouane while another creates a deep lake above Passes Dangereuses. Power dams and plants are located throughout the area including; Chute des Passes, Chute du Diable, Chute a la Savanne, Isle Maligne, Chute a Caron and Shipshaw. A total of 3,600,000 horsepower is harnessed from this system, at the time more than enough power for Montreal, Pittsburg and Detroit combined. This electricity is used to produce aluminum in the smelters at Isle Maligne and Arvida. Shown is the interior of a tunnel 48ft in diameter, 6 miles long, inside which the water drops 500ft to the underground powerhouse generating 1,000,000 horsepower. The film emphasizes the beauty of the natural environment, since altered by the power plants, and the slow build up of water from drops, to streams, to surging rivers."


“Saguenay,” Alcan 16mm Film Catalogue (Montreal: Aluminum Company of Canada, Limited: c.1960), 20.

“An impression on film showing how a vast wealth of water-power is controlled and used to make aluminum and to supply power to industry in the Saguenay region. This film does not dwell on the technical aspects of aluminum production but allows the viewer to sense the power and beauty of the region through an artistic and abstract treatment.
Running Time: 19 mins.”

“Saguenay,” Alcan 16mm Film Catalogue (Montreal: Aluminum Company of Canada, Limited: c.1960), 20.

[Still shot from the film, showing an electrical dam]