- English
- 28mm
- Silent
- Black and White
Library and Archives Canada: 28mm, 35mm, 16mm, VHS.
"Film about the pageant held at Penetang in 1920. This film narrates two moments in the history of the Huron Indians: their first encounter with Europeans and their declaration of peace with the Iroquois Indians three centuries later. The film begins by defining the area of Huronia and showing it on a map. Views of gold and silver mines in South Porcupine, and farms and farmers at work show the current prosperity of the region. The film then shows a map of Samuel de Champain's route to Penetang and Georgian Bay. A re-enactment shows Champlain's approach and arrival, travelling in a canoe. He is greeted by the Huron Indians and claims the land in the name of the King of France. While Champlain and the Hurons discuss colonization and the fur trade, the French travellers play dice. A combination of intertitles and maps then describe the conflicts between the Hurons and other tribes, specifically the Iroquois. The film then shows events 300 years later as the Huron and Iroquois perform a peace ceremony. This event concludes with shots of the many dignitaries who attended the event. The intertitles in this film are artfully decorated."