- English
- 16mm
- Colour
“Power Line to Kitimat,” Alcan 16mm Film Catalogue (Montreal: Aluminum Company of Canada, Limited: c.1960), 17.
“The aluminum towers used over part of the least accessible section of the transmission line from Kemano to Kitimat are of new and completely unconventional design. They are designed to carry the world’s largest conductor.
All aspects of this undertaking are likely to be of exceptional interest to structural and electrical engineers, as its very size called for a completely new approach. Sections of this film are particularly striking because of the vastness of perspective and the beauty of the scenery between Kemano and Kitimat in northern B.C."
“Power Line to Kitimat,” Alcan 16mm Film Catalogue (Montreal: Aluminum Company of Canada, Limited: c.1960), 17.
[Still shot from film showing electrical line in the mountains]