Directors of Photography:
Actors and Participants:
- English
- 35mm
- Black and White
- Sound
Library and Archives Canada: 35mm, VHS.
"An account of Jim McLain's career as a fur trader with the Hudson's Bay Company during the mid-1800s. In this episode Jim and Hudson's Bay Company representative, Factor Dodds, rescue a young girl from a native settlement. The episode begins with Captain and Mrs. Fletcher attempting to trade goods for a fur pelt with a group of Tsimishian Indians. When things go wrong, Captain and Mrs. Fletcher are forced to flee, leaving their daughter Debbie, in the hands of the natives. Jim McLain and Factor Dodds set off in pursuit. Their journey takes them from the Hudson's Bay Company headquarters, in Fort George, to the Tsimishian settlement at Skeeria River. A sequence depicting their journey, by dog sled, across the frozen landscapes ensues. Their arrival at the camp highlights native customs, dress and a lengthy scene on the trading of goods. The show concludes with Debbie being returned safely to the arms of McLain and Factor Dodds."