Directors of Photography:
Actors and Participants:
Other Personnel:
- English
- 16mm
- Black and White
- Sound
Library and Archives Canada: 16mm, VHS.
"The story of the CF-100 and of the Orenda jet engine. C.D. Howe is shown speaking on the occasion of the turn-over of the first CF-100 to the RCAF in November 1952. Several shots, throughout the film, of the CF-100 aircraft on the ground, taking off and landing, in flight as seen from ground and from another aircraft, with sequence on aerobatics at the end of the film. Aerial shots of the Avro plant in Malton, Ontario, and interior shots showing in detail the construction of the Orenda jet engine and the assembly of a CF-100. Sir Roy Dobson, chairman of A.V. Roe, and Crawford Gordon Jr., President and General Manager, are shown conferring in an office. Shots of the following Hawker-Siddeley aircraft on the ground, taking off and landing, and in the air, some from close up: the Avro Jetliner, the Sopwith Camel, the Hawker Hurricane, the Hawker Tempest, the Avro Lancaster, the Gloster Meteor, a German V-1 in flight and exploding, the Hawker Hunter, the Gloster Javelin, and the Avro Vulcan. Final sequence on CF-100 testing guns on ground and in the air, executing a Jet-Assisted-Take-Off (JETO)."
Service de ciné-photographie de la province de Québec, Films 16mm: édition 1956-57 (Quebec City: Service de ciné-photographie, 1956), 362.
"Le but de ce film est de montrer aux Canadiens les étonnantes réalisations de leurs pays dans le domaine de l'avion à réaction, en ces dernières années. la production du transport à réaction AVRO, le premier avion commercial du genre à être construit de ce côté-ci de l'Atlantique, a placé le Canada en évidence dans le monde de l'aéronautique. -- Le CF-100, le plus versatile, le plus puissamment armé des avions de combat et la fabrication des fameux moteurs Orenda."