Actors and Participants:
- English
- Black and White
Library and Archives Canada: 16mm, VHS, Betacam.
"The Dionne quintuplets on their sixth birthday. This is a retrospective of footage from the time of their birth to their sixth birthday. Dr. Allan Roy Dafoe sits in an easy chair and talks to the camera, pipe in hand, saying that the children are getting along fine. His voiceover accompanies scenes of the quints, starting as newborns in 1934. Footage includes: the babies being weighed; the babies wrapped in quilts; Dr. Dafoe checking the girls; nurses preparing milk; the babies sitting up; the quints at the age of one; the quints in the bath; nurses combing the girls' hair; Christmas with Dr. Dafoe; the quints combing Dr. Dafoe's hair; Dr. Dafoe talking to the quints on the telephone; crowds looking at the quints; the quints in the garden of their compound; the quints singing nursery rhymes with their nurses and dancing on the lawn of their compound; the girls playing in the snow; the quints watching a movie for the first time, a Mickey Mouse cartoon; the girls playing outside in their toy grocery store; the quints getting ready for a trip to Toronto to meet King George VI and Queen Elizabeth in 1939 (the meeting is not shown); their fifth birthday party, attended by Bishop Nelligan (footage from the film FIVE TIMES FIVE); the quints wearing plaid hats; the quints listening to actuality of a radio broadcast by Princess Elizabeth (footage from the film THE PRINCESS AND THE QUINTS); the girls learning to knit while narrator Dafoe states that they are doing their part for the war effort; the quints holding Union Jacks; and the quints singing "There'll Always be an England"."