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The Great Divide

Accession number: 


Directors of Photography:


Production Years: 
1950 to 1951
Release Year: 


Film Properties: 
Length (feet): 
813 (35mm)
Length (minutes): 
Holding Institutions: 

Library and Archives Canada: 35mm, 16mm, 3/4 IN U, VHS, Betacam.
"The Canadian Rockies in all their picturesque grandeur are featured in this travelogue narrated by Lamont Tilden. The spectacular alpine trails which parallel the 'great divide' of Canada's Rocky range, are seen through the eyes of horse-back riders. They travel along the Yoho River, past the turbulent waters of the Kicking Horse River and on through Kicking Horse Pass itself. CPR steam train and automobiles follow the route up the 'big hill' too, against the dramatic backdrop of mountain peaks and forests. Other noteworthy footage includes sequences of Lake Louise with Mount Victoria in the background; Bow River; and scenic glaciers, waterfalls and mountain steams."