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The Face of Saskatchewan

Accession number: 
Alternate Titles: 
Elbow Room
Production Years: 
Release Year: 


Film Properties: 
Length (feet): 
1374 (16mm)
Length (minutes): 
Holding Institutions: 

Library and Archives Canada: 16mm, Digibeta, VHS.
"A film about the province of Saskatchewan, outlining its major cities, its industries, its opportunities for sports and leisure, and its wildlife. Rural Saskatchewan is explored, including the Cyprus Hills region, the rivers, and the ranches. Comments are provided by early settlers and a wheat farmer. Shown as well are: Gabriel Dumont's tombstone; prairie horses; cowboys lassooing calf and branding it; still photographs of dead cattle buried in the snow; and Batoche cemetery, the resting place of the Métis rebels who fought against government troops."


"Films for Business," Canadian Business 28 (October 1955): 155.
"This year the Province of Saskatchewan celebrates its 50th anniversary. To record Saskatchewan today and tell others how the people of the province live, the Golden Jubilee Committee has had made an outstanding film, "The Face of Saskatchewan". Representative citizens are shown as they go about their daily lives. Two ranchers, a mixed farmer, a trapper and a wheat farmer tell of their native province. Location shooting takes place from the Cypress Hills to 100 miles north of Lac Laronge."

Film News 16, no. 3 (Fall 1956): 13.

"[Canada's Eighth Annual Film Awards] Class 5: (Any 16mm film produced principally for nontheatrical distribution, open) - [...] A Special Mention 'for exciting photography and an excellent script' went to FACE OF SASKATCHEWAN (Crawley Films Ltd. for the Saskatchewan Golden Jubilee)."