Actors and Participants:
- English
- French
- 35mm
- Black and White
- Sound
Library and Archives Canada: 35mm, 16mm, 3/4 IN SOF, 1/4 IN MAG TRK.
"Canada and Canadian industry as defenders of world freedom during W.W.II. Pictures of war, destruction, bombardment and monuments are quickly shown. The nickel industry is particularly emphasized. Seq. on tools show the uses of nickel during the war: guns, torpedos, radio, tanks, gears for military cars and trucks, etc."
"This film explains North America's role and the role of nickel in the defence of freedom during World War Two. The film includes sequences of war footage; sequences on agriculture, timber, and mining; and a sequence on the use of nickel in military equipment and factories. Other footage includes shots of the Statue of Liberty; the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.; Westminster Abbey; the Washington Monument; the White House; the Lincoln Memorial; Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip; and General Dwight D. Eisenhower."
"Film sur le rôle du nickel dans l'effort de gagner la Deuxième Guerre mondiale."