Actors and Participants:
- English
- 35mm
- Black and White
- Sound
York University, Toronto, Ontario: VHS.
"Highlights from the 1950 Stanley Cup, in which the New York Rangers defeated the Montréal Canadiens 5-1; Detroit Red Wings defeated the Toronto Maple Leafs 4-3 and, in the final game in Toronto, Detroit Red Wings defeated the New York Rangers in overtime."
Library and Archives Canada: 16mm, VHS.
"Highlights from the 1950 Stanley Cup play-offs. Includes semi-final games between New York and Montreal as well as Detroit and Toronto. In the final series Detroit Red Wings defeated the New York Rangers in overtime."
"Highlights of the 1950 Stanley Cup Playoffs. Footage includes: partial coverage of the semi-final series between New York Rangers and Montreal Canadiens (which New York won in five games); and the other semi-finals between the Detroit Red Wings and Toronto Maple Leafs (which Detroit won in seven games). In the Stanley Cup Final, Detroit beat the Rangers in seven games; however only highlights from games three, six, and seven are shown here; as well as dressing room footage; close-ups of players and managers; and National Hockey League President Clarence Campbell presenting the Stanley Cup to Red Wings Captain Sid Abel."
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, Quebec City, Quebec: 16mm, DVD.
"Images de matchs de finales de la Coupe Stanley entre certaines équipes de la LNH."
Service de ciné-photographie de la province de Québec, Films 16mm: édition 1956-57 (Quebec City: Service de ciné-photographie, 1956): 256.
"On assiste à quelques phases des finales des joutes de hockey entre certaines équipes de la Ligne Nationale : les Red Wings de Détroit, les Maple Leafs de Toronto, les Rangers de New York, et les Canadiens de Montréal."
Gouvernement du Québec: Ministère des Communications, Direction générale du cinéma et de l’audiovisuel, Catalogue des films d’archives, volume 2 (Québec: Éditeur officiel du Québec, 1978), 134-35.
"On assiste à quelques phases des finales des joutes de hockey entre certaines équipes de la Ligne Nationale : les Red Wings de Détroit, les Maple Leafs de Toronto, les Rangers de New York, et les Canadiens de Montréal."