Other Personnel:
- English
- 28mm
- Silent
- Black and White
Library and Archives Canada: 28mm, 35mm, 16mm, VHS.
"Film about experiments by the Ontario Forestry Department to use aircraft to fight forest fires. It shows: long view air to air shot of early 1920s sea planes flying in formation; long shot aerial view of large lake with bays and inlets; pan to dock area showing lake freighters in foreground; long shot of sea plane taxing for takeoff on lake; medium air to air shot showing cloudy sky; pan to lake below; medium air to air shot looking down at a flying seaplane, practising a side slipping manoeuvre; pan to buildings and factories in background; medium aerial shots of forested terrain and lakes, shot by forest patrol planes at altitudes of between 4,000 and 5,000 feet; long view aerials of Lake Nipigon country; pan to column of smoke in the distance, as a forest fire starts; extreme close-up ground shot of a forest fire, showing trees and bushes engulfed in flames; medium air to air shot of seaplane gliding gracefully, with lakes and forest in background; close-up of two early model cars arriving in a forest, carrying fire fighters; unloading fire fighting equipment such as a gasoline driven water pump and hoses; water pump being put into operation; hose leading to water hole; forest fire in the background; extreme close-up of trees burning; close-up of man hosing a tree; and extreme close-up of trees and brush burning."
"Being the further adventures of John the Cameraman. 'Up north where the great forests of Ontario rear their plumes against the sky, we heard of a fierce race of fighters... eagle-eyed men, dauntless in danger and relentless against the enemy that summer after summer swoops down in their midst.' Film about experiments by the Ontario Forestry Department to use aircraft to fight forest fires. It shows: long view air to air shot of early 1920s sea planes flying in formation; long shot aerial view of large lake with bays and inlets; pan to dock area showing lake freighters in foreground; long shot of sea plane taxing for takeoff on lake; medium air to air shot showing cloudy sky; pan to lake below; medium air to air shot looking down at a flying seaplane, practising a side slipping manoeuvre; pan to buildings and factories in background; medium aerial shots of forested terrain and lakes, shot by forest patrol planes at altitudes of between 4,000 and 5,000 feet; long view aerials of Lake Nipigon country; pan to column of smoke in the distance, as a forest fire starts; extreme close-up ground shot of a forest fire, showing trees and bushes engulfed in flames; medium air to air shot of seaplane gliding gracefully, with lakes and forest in background; close-up of two early model cars arriving in a forest, carrying fire fighters; unloading fire fighting equipment such as a gasoline driven water pump and hoses; water pump being put into operation; hose leading to water hole; forest fire in the background; extreme close-up of trees burning; close-up of man hosing a tree; and extreme close-up of trees and brush burning."
Ontario Motion Picture Bureau catalogues (1923).