Directors of Photography:
- English
- 16mm
- Colour
- Sound
Library and Archives Canada: 16mm, VHS.
"Canadian forest and woodlands as a natural resource. The film begins with a re-enactment of historical events and people, Indians in canoes, French fur traders and exploreres, settlers looking for land. Sequence on lumber camps - with log buildings, forest patrol aircraft, discovery of fire and fire fighting. Aerials of big smoke. Sequence on foresters studying forest growth in woods and in labs at the Ontario Woodlands Department. Sequence on logging in winter, log drives in the spring, pulp and paper mill in operation. Rolls of newsprint come off paper machines, are loaded aboard freighters. Shots of power station, generators, mill races. Views of town, kids playing in school yard, school, churches, etc. Final sequence on paper products of all types."
Crawley Films, Free Films: Directory of Sources of Free 16mm Sponsored Films in Canada (Ottawa: Crawley Films, May 1952): 4.
"Traces Canada's pulp and paper industry from early Indian times to modern methods of paper making."