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The Swimming Sea Anemone Stomphia Coccinea and Its Response to Its Commensal

Accession number: 
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Holding Institutions: 

University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta: 16mm.
"The film shows two aspects of the behavior of 'swimming' sea anemone, Stomphia coccinea: (1) the release of the anemone's base when swimming begins after stimulation by certain starfish: (2) the response of the anemone to mussel shells when resettling after swimming. In (1) the release of the base is filmed from below through glass. By using extended sequences, it can be seen how the base is lifted near the margin and how a conical projection of muscular origin at the center assists the release. In (2) the response of the anemone to mussel shells is shown at ordinary and time-lapse speeds. When the tentacles touch the shell, the base swells up dramatically to reach the shell if possible: on touching the shell, the base adheres and slowly walks across the shell to attach itself firmly at the highest point. The purposive and 'persevering' features of the behavior pattern seen in the film are remarkable for anemones which are considered to have very primitive nervous systems. The response is due to a chemical 'shell-factor' and both tentacles and foot are sensitive to this factor. The significance of this behavior pattern for the anemone is discussed."
From the Catalogue of 16mm Educational Motion Pictures. Published by the Educational Media Division, Department of Extension, University of Alberta, Edmonton, 1967.