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Sunlight and Shadow

Accession number: 


Directors of Photography:

Production Years: 


Film Properties: 
Length (feet): 
732 (35mm)
Length (minutes): 
Holding Institutions: 

Library and Archives Canada: 35mm, VHS, Betacam.
"View of Montreal from Mount Royal, palatial home. Cut to slum children in alley, barefoot boy picking through garbage, children getting off bus with sign 'The School for Crippled Children', farmer ploughing with oxen as a child follows, barn leased from the above-mentioned farmer. Various shots of the summer home with children moving about, unsatisfactory conditions due to the lack of funds, etc. Intertitle 'the grounds were provided through the generosity of Miss Tyndale, director of the Crippled Children's School', shot of her with children. Some shots of children with artificial limbs, deformed children, Rotarians visiting, handing out bananas to children, leading a sing-song, walking with a girl who has an artificial leg. This film is an appeal by the Rotary Club for funds to support the summer camp."