Directors of Photography:
- English
- French
- 16mm
- Colour
- Sound
Library and Archives Canada: 16mm.
"The film outlines the steps which every citizen should take to safeguard against this disease. Tuberculosis could be wiped out in a matter of a decade if full public support were given. The dangers of ignoring the threat of TB are shown dramatically in a case history story. It shows how failure, how disregard for plain common sense about health provides tuberculosis infection with a better-than-average chance of developing into disease."
"Le film décrit les mesures que chaque citoyen devrait prendre à la sauvegarde contre la tuberculose. La tuberculose pourrait être éliminée dans une question d'une décennie si l'appui public total étaient donnés. Les dangers d'ignorer la menace de la tuberculose sont montrés nettement dans des antécédents. Ils montrent comment échec, comment la négligence pour le bon sens plat au sujet de la santé fournit à l'infection de tuberculose une chance meilleur que moyenne de se développer en maladie."
Crawley Films, Free Films: Sources of Free 16mm Sponsored Films in Canada Compiled and Published by Crawley Films (Ottawa: Crawley Films, April 1969): 13.
The Indian Journal of Tuberculosis 10:3 (June 1963): 123-124.
"Donation of Film -- The Canadian Tuberculosis Association has donated to this Association a film entitled, 'The Quiet Betrayal.' The film comes to this
Association as a goodwill gesture of the school children of Yellowknife public school in the North West Territories of Canada who arranged a ticketed show of a Concert programme and collected funds for this film."