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Quel Numéro What Number : The Electronic Sweatshop

Accession number: 
Production Years: 
1983 to 1984
Release Year: 


Film Properties: 
Length (minutes): 
Holding Institutions: 

York University, Toronto, Ontario: VHS.
"Describes the negative impact of the electronic revolution on occupations where women predominate. Grocery clerks, secretaries, postal sorters and telephone operators now work under more stressful conditions. Production quotas are up and work output is closely monitored. At the same time,the risk of layoff or relocation is high as advances in computer technology allow companies to centralize operations and eleminate branch plants."

University of Toronto: 16mm, VHS.


University of Waterloo Audiovisual Services Catalog.
"This is a lively film, with gripping testimonials that reveal the other side of the 'computer revolution,' as told by the women who do not control the new machines—secretaries, telephone operators, cashiers, and post office employees explain the impact of new technologies on their work."

Internet Movie Database.