- English
- French
- 16mm
- Colour
- Sound
Library and Archives Canada: 16mm, VHS, Digibeta.
"A promotional film dealing with the ABCs of building a restaurant business and providing good service. First, this film brings us a portrait of Samuel de Champlain who intitiated the Order of Good Cheer, including a peek at early Canadian dining customs. Then, a photographic survey of modern dining facilities and offerings is undertaken. This is followed by a step by step analysis of starting a restaurant, giving consideration to concerns such as: physical premises, capital investment, municipal regulations, exterior and interior design of premises, staff selection, planning a memu, purchase of food supplies, meal preparation by kitchen staff, and serving of clietele. Lastly, various kinds of eating establishments and food services are looked at. Noteworthy pictorials: close-up of portrait of Samuel de Champlain; interior footage of Canadian restaurants, their customers ordering, being served or eating their meals."
"Un film promotionnel traitant l'ABCs de construire a affaires de restaurant et fournir le bon service. D'abord, ce film nous apporte un portrait de Samuel de Champlain qui intitiated l'ordre de la bonne acclamation, y compris un coup d'oeil au premier Canadien dinant des coutumes. Puis, un aperçu photographique des équipements dinants modernes et des offres est entrepris. Ceci est suivi d'une analyse étape-par-étape de commencer un restaurant, donnant considération aux soucis comme : lieux physiques, investissement de capital d'équipement, conception de règlements, extérieure et intérieure municipale des lieux, choix de personnel, projetant un memu, l'achat des approvisionnements alimentaires, la préparation de repas par le personnel de cuisine, et servir du clietele. Pour finir, de divers genres de manger des établissements et des services de traiteur sont regardés. Illustrés remarquables : plan rapproché de portrait de Samuel de Champlain; longueur intérieure des restaurants canadiens, leurs clients passant commande, étant servis ou mangeant leurs repas."
National Film Board of Canada, Films by Other Producers Distributed in Canada by the National Film Board of Canada/Films de divers producteurs distribués au Canada par l’Office national du film du Canada (Montreal: National Film Board of Canada, c.1968), 7.
"The background story of the organization of a restaurant, and a look at the art of the chef and his appetizing results."
Crawley Films, Free Films: Sources of Free 16mm Sponsored Films in Canada Compiled and Published by Crawley Films (Ottawa: Crawley Films, April 1969): 13.