Directors of Photography:
Other Personnel:
- English
- French
- 35mm
- Colour
- Sound
University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario: 16mm.
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario: 16mm.
Library and Archives Canada: 35mm, VHS, Digibeta.
"This film traces the production of coin from the mining of nickel-copper ores in the Sudbury district of Ontario to the striking of Canadian coins at the Royal Canadian Mint in Ottawa, Ontario. Sequences include Inco's open pit and underground mining; the refining, milling, and punching of coin strip; and a brief history of coinage including shots of historic coins from the collections of the Chateau de Ramezay and Fred Brown."
Online Database National Film Board of Canada.
"The Chinese long ago used porcelain tokens and the Indians used wampum as legal tender, but today's currency is generally made of three metals - silver, copper, nickel. Modern processes were filmed at Sudbury and the Royal Mint, Ottawa."
National Film Board of Canada, Films by Other Producers Distributed in Canada by the National Film Board of Canada/Films de divers producteurs distribués au Canada par l’Office national du film du Canada (Montreal: National Film Board of Canada, c.1968), 7, 10.
"A description of the development of money throughout the ages; how nickel is mined and smelted; and how our coins are minted."
"Voici l'histoire de la monnaie canadienne depuis l'extraction du nickel qui en est la base jusqu'à la frappe de la pièce."