Actors and Participants:
- English
- French
- 16mm
- Colour
- Sound
Library and Archives Canada: 16mm, VHS, Digibeta.
"An illustration of approved methods of psychological care of the newborn infant. A home situation is shown where other children are present, and the consideration and understanding necessary until the family adjusts itself to the demands of the newcomer are noted. Many aspects of the care of the infant are dealt with, and their psychological implications stressed, including such points as clothing and bedding, the bath, breast feeding and bottle feeding, maintenance of normal home atmosphere, prevention of any feeling of neglect in older children, and the need to develop the interest and participation of brothers and sisters in the care of the new baby."
Film News (November-December 1947): 14.
"It is unfortunate that, in some scenes of this film, Mama Phillips wears a red dress which, by reflection, makes her infant son look like a little parboiled lobster, particularly in his bath. Despite, however, his off-color start, Toby is destined for a balanced manhood, if his mother's efficient, affectionate handling of him is any criterion; and the accent here is on sensitivity to a baby's emotional as well as physical needs . . . It all looks very simple, the way Mrs. Phillips goes about it; and she should know how. Toby is her third. The film opens with the other two children helping to ready the crib, and thus readying themselves psychologically for the coming of the new baby. At several points along its way too, the film brings the older brother and sister into the picture and focuses some attention on them -- as it advises all parents of additional family to do . . . This is a comforting and encouraging picture-lesson for jittery new parents. It helps, to watch someone who knows how, go quietly and surely about the business of feeding, changing, bedding, burping, bathing and soothing an infant . . . The 'hero' of this film, incidentally, is just a frail month old.
Running time: 10 minutes. Color. Produced by Crawley Films, Ottawa, for the National Film Board of Canada. For rental at $2.50 or purchase at $75., write National Film Board of Canada, 620 Fifth Ave., N.Y.C. 20."
Film News (January 1948): 10.
"10 mins. Kodachrome. Produced by Crawley Films (Ottawa) For U.S. rental, $2.50, or purchase at $75 apply National Film Board of Canada, 620--5th Ave., N.Y.C. 20.
The accent here is on sensitivity to a baby's emotional as well as physical needs, and Toby is destined for a balanced manhood, if his mother's affectionate and effective handling of him is any criterion . . . The way Mrs. Phillips goes about it, knowing and caring for your baby looks all very simple. Toby is her third: she should know how it's done. She knows too that the other children must be readied psychologically for the coming of the new baby. The film opens with them helping prepare the crib and focuses some attention on this older brother and sister at several points along the way -- as it advises all parents of additional family to do . . . Jittery new parents will find this comforting, encouraging, helpful in the matter of feeding, clothing, bathing and soothing an infant . . . The 'hero' of this film, incidentally, is just a frail month old."