- 1956 (Canadian Film Awards)
- English
- 16mm
- Colour
- Sound
Library and Archives Canada: 16mm, VHS, Digibeta.
"The 8th World Scout Jamboree of 1955 on Niagara on the Lake."
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta: 16mm.
"A pictorial story of the 8th World Scout Jamboree held at Niagara-on-the-lake in 1955."
From the Catalogue of 16mm Educational Motion Pictures. Published by the Educational Media Division, Department of Extension, University of Alberta, Edmonton, 1967.
Film News 16, no. 3 (Fall 1956): 12.
"The Film of the Year [at Canada's Eighth Annual Film Awards]. THE JOLIFOU INN (NFB again, available in the U.S. through International Film Bureau, Chicago) was a 'Special Mention,' also JAMBOREE by Chetwynd Films for Eaton's of Canada."
Film News 16, no. 3 (Fall 1956): 12.
[Still shot of film; caption reads:] "JAMBOREE enthusiastically records the 8th World Boy Scout meet (Chetwynd, Toronto)."
"World-Wide News...Selected for Significance," Film News 17, no. 1 (Spring 1957): 7.
"A 300-seat theater has been approved for the Canadian Pavilion to be erected at the Brussels Universal and International Exhibition in 1958. The theater will be used to tell some of the expected 25-million Exhibition visitors about Canada. Films to be shown will be in three major categories: Resources and Industry; Education and Information; also, Canadian Culture. Among films selected so far are: CANADIAN PROFILE (National Film Board of Canada); A NEW FUTURE LIES NORTH and NEWFOUNDLAND SCENE (Crawley's Ltd.); CALGARY STAMPEDE (Davart); THE SEASONS (Christopher Chapman); and JAMBOREE (Chetwynd Films)."