Accession number:
Directors of Photography:
Production Years:
1930 to 1931Release Year:
- 1931
- English
Film Properties:
- 16mm
- Silent
- Black and White
Length (feet):
1490Length (minutes):
55Holding Institutions:
Library and Archives Canada: 16mm, VHS, Digibeta
"Footage of: Copper Eskimos (Inuit) at Coronation Gulf; spring fishing at stone weir; musk ox; fox; the [HBC's RMS Nascopie] on summer resupply; summer tents; polar bear cub; kayaks at Coppermine; netting fish through ice; [kayak rib carving]; dogsleds onto sea ice; [Fairchild] on skis lands; village at Coronation Gulf; dog sleds arrive; Ikpuck and his wife Haiokok build igloo; drum song and dance in igloo; laden dog sleds leave; spring break up; and river spear fishing."
Peter Morris, Embattled Shadows: A History of Canadian Cinema, 1895-1939 (Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1978).
Used as a lecture film.
A short version of this documentary was produced the same year and released in 1931 under the title "Ikpuck the Igloo Dweller."