Directors of Photography:
- English
- Colour
- Sound
Library and Archives Canada: 35mm, 16mm, 1/4", VHS, Betacam.
"A film about Halifax - Canada's principal open sea port, and its importance during the Second World War. Shots include: fishing villages along the coast; ship building; ships of all sizes and nationalities entering and leaving Halifax harbour; servicemen and women parading through the streets of Halifax; merchant ships being loaded with supplies for the war effort; painters camouflaging both warships and troop transport ships; Halifax street scenes; social clubs for enlisted people; soldiers having their photographs taken in a park; swimming in the ocean; going to the cinema; preparing a convoy of ships for sea; loading tanks, planes, Red Cross supplies for Canadian prisoners of war; soldiers boarding troop transport ships and waving to the crowds of onlookers; seaman chopping ice off a railing of a ship in the North Atlantic; ships damaged or destroyed by the Nazis being towed back to Halifax harbour or gutted of their supplies; civilian fishermen salvaging goods off a torpedoed ship; kids eating food that was taken from the ship; Victory Bond posters and billboards on buses; children turning over aluminum pots and pans as part of a salvage drive; German prisoners of war from the Bismark at the Port of Halifax; Allied troop transport ships returning to Halifax after the war; parade through the streets of town."