- 1952
- English
- 16mm
- Colour
- Sound
Library and Archives Canada: 16mm, VHS.
"The film is designed to sell Ajax, Ontario as a 'planned industrial community'. The film provides a short history of Ajax - as a munitions supplier during the war - and as an out-of-town campus for the University of Toronto immediately after the war. The film provides extensive statistics regarding industry already in place in Ajax; its proximity to various markets. The film also lists Ajax's many attributes, with extensive footage of many features already in place, and being built. Included are a steam plant, a school, the fire department, the hospital, apartment buildings, housing, stores, a planned shopping centre, banks and shots of television equipment at Pye. Included are 'testimonials' from executives of four firms located in Ajax - Mr. Tomlinson from E.F. Drew; Mr. Hunt of Dowty; Professor Bayly of Bayly Engineering and Mr. Faudrell of Pye."
"The original film was intended to 'sell' Ajax, Ontario as a planned, industrial community. This revision is simply an up-date, indicating completed projects and new projects in the planning stages - i.e. a planned shopping centre is now under construction; new plans are being drafted to build a new hospital closer to the city. All revisions occur in the second half of the film."
"Business in Motion: Films of Current Interest," Canadian Business 24 (July 1951): 62.
"Tells the story of Ajax, Ontario, where, during World War II, rolling farmland became the site of a huge munitions plant and surrounding community. Also shows how, since war ended, Ajax has been turned into a new manufacturing center, with expanding residents industries and opportunities for others."