- English
- 16mm
- Silent
- Black and White
Library and Archives Canada: 16mm, VHS, digibeta.
"The annual gathering of the Dogrib Indians of Fort Rae, N.W.T. Shown are the Hudson Bay Company, trading, church going, gambling, circle dance, drum songs, and treaty paying of $5 in $1 bills by RCMP to each man, woman and child. Elders and chiefs speak and medical inspections and identification cards are distributed. Also seen are tents, dogs, and canoes."
"A look at the Dogrib Indians, an Athapaskan tribe which lives between Great Bear and Great Slave lakes, shot at the time of land treaty payments. The footage includes scenes from the Indian encampment: women making moccasins, beadwork, and fishnets; a man emptying his nets, cleaning and drying fish; boys playing checkers; a couple sharing a meal; ceremonies held under canvas with drums, chanting, and dancing; women walking to a Roman Catholic church with babies; the congregation, separated by sex; and medical checkups administered by a government doctor. The chief, (probably Jimmy Brunezu), is seen conversing with government treaty officials. Payments are made to individual Indians by an agent and an RCMP officer. Also included is a sequence from a Hudson's Bay Company post where a white trader examines the furs of an Indian trapper."