Directors of Photography:
- English
- French
- Colour
- Sound
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario: 16mm.
Library and Archives Canada: 3/4".
University of Waterloo Audiovisual Services Catalog.
"With a population of one billion and economic development as a major objective, China is looking beyond her borders for world trading partners. One country high on the list is Canada, with much to offer China in the fields of engineering, transportation, communications, resource development and agricultural technology. As well, Canada is a potential buyer of many Chinese-manufactured goods. This short film from the Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce is recommended to anyone in business considering commercial relations with China. Canadian economists, trade commissioners, industrialists, importers and exporters offer timely and valuable information based on their own experiences, and give practical tips on how to gain a foothold in this potentially profitable market."
National Film Board of Canada Online Database.
"With a population of one billion and economic development as a major objective, China is looking beyond her borders for world trading partners. One country high on the list is Canada, with much to offer China in the fields of engineering, transportation, communications, resource development and agricultural technology. As well, Canada is a potential buyer of many Chinese-manufactured goods. This short film from the Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce is recommended to anyone in business considering commercial relations with China. Canadian economists, trade commissioners, industrialists, importers and exporters offer timely and valuable information based on their own experiences, and give practical tips on how to gain a foothold in this potentially profitable market."
"La Chine peut offrir d'importants débouchés aux entreprises canadiennes pourvu qu'elles sachent à temps s'informer, s'organiser et s'implanter. Ce film vise donc à leur faire connaître les possibilités et les difficultés du commerce avec la Chine ainsi que l'aide du gouvernement canadien sur laquelle elles peuvent et doivent compter pour relever un défi commercial à l'échelle d'un pays qui comptera bientôt un milliard d'habitants."