Directors of Photography:
Actors and Participants:
- French
- English
- Colour
- Sound
York University, Toronto, Ontario: 16mm.
"This information film takes a probing look at the socio-cultural, political, legal and business status of Canadian women over the years."
Online Database National Film Board of Canada.
"Un film qui permet de tirer les grandes lignes de la situation des femmes au Canada. L'approche en est simple et positive. Dégagée de tout parti pris, elle charrie une précieuse information. Beaucoup d'aspects de la condition faite à la femme sont ici soulignés avec à -propos."
"Using a combination of staged scenarios, documentary and interview, this information film takes a probing look at the socio-cultural, political, legal and business status of Canadian women over the years, making clear the inconsistencies they have always faced. The film makes the point that the struggle for the liberation of women is not a struggle against men but, rather, a struggle for equality and self-determination. It is a film that demands the liberation of both sexes, and, as such, should be seen by both."