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Canadian Firsts

Accession number: 
Production Years: 


Film Properties: 
Length (feet): 
850 (35mm)
Length (minutes): 
Holding Institutions: 

Library and Archives Canada: 35mm, 3/4 IN SOF U, Betacam, VHS.
"Film opens with a compilation of short clips on nickel mining underground, the St. Lawrence Seaway, Toronto streets with views of a street car, a woman cooking breakfast on an early electric range. The camera focuses also on a large radio set, a hockey game, a Fokker Super Universal ski bush plane (CF-AJB) loading up in the North, a Fairchild 82 (CF-AXB) in flight, etc. Long sequence on the wheat industry, and on the production of flour at a Five Rose flour mill, the packaging of same. Short clips on lumbering in winter, on men pulling in fish by the netfull, of pedestrians in a street scene, a commercial bakery, and lastly, on a woman cooking in her kitchen. The wood range is prominent."


Crawley Films, Free Films: Directory of Sources of Free 16mm Sponsored Films in Canada (Ottawa: Crawley Films, May 1952): 10.
"Industrial and agricultural scenes of importance to Canada."