Directors of Photography:
Actors and Participants:
- English
- French
- 16mm
- Colour
- Sound
Library and Archives Canada: 16mm, Digibeta, VHS.
"The opening montage introduces the question of people's hands in work and in art. Then, beginning with North America before the arrival of Europeans, the film shows various works by Indian and Inuit artists, followed by typical contributions from French, English, Dutch, Eastern and Nordic settlers. The place of crafts in our modern work is questioned. This introduces Thor Hansen, Art Director for British American Oil Company Limited, who discusses his company's commitment to Canadian crafts. This is followed by tours on British American Oil's Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal buildings where Canadian crafts are showcased. Several pieces from a National Gallery of Canada exhibit are displayed, reflecting the evolution of craft into art. Finally, the work of four current Canadian artists is examined in detail, showing each creating a work. The work of the following artists is showcased: The Potter - Eileen Hazell, The Wood Carver - Leo Gervais, The Weaver - Signe Lundberg, The Metal Worker - Arthur Price."
Online database National Film Board of Canada.
"Man's need to create beauty, to interpret the world around him in image and color, has found expression in many forms, from the days of primitive culture to the present. This film surveys the work of Canadian craftsmen in many fields, showing how the changing Canadian scene has been their constant inspiration and how business enterprise today is increasingly using the skills of the artisan to enhance the decor of building interiors."
"Quelques artisans du Canada sont présentés au cours de ce film ainsi que quelques-unes des pièces les plus caractéristiques de l'artisanat canadien. Ce document prouve une fois de plus que l'art est nécessaire à la vie, qu'il traduit quelques-uns des sentiments les plus nobles de l'homme et embellit les lieux qu'il habite."
National Film Board of Canada, Films by Other Producers Distributed in Canada by the National Film Board of Canada/Films de divers producteurs distribués au Canada par l’Office national du film du Canada (Montreal: National Film Board of Canada, c.1968), 6, 10.
"Shows how craftmanship has been kept alive in Canada, by tracing the development of native art forms through to present time."
"Totems des Indiens de la Colombie Britannique, sculptures des Esquimaux, statues de Jésus et de la Vierge sont présentées au cours de ce film."