Directors of Photography:
Actors and Participants:
- English
- 35mm
- Silent
- Black and White
Library and Archives Canada: 16mm, VHS.
"Travelogue depicting the Yukon Territory of Canada. A train travels from Skagway over the White Pass, Dead Horse Gulch, the boundary between Alaska and the Yukon, Bennett (a former gold rush city), Miles Canyon, White Horse (scenes at the station and in the town), by steamer down the Yukon River, Five Fingers Rapids, Selkirk, Moosehide (meeting the Indian mayor of the town), and Dawson City. The film shows the arrival in Dawson City, Jimmy Oglow selling apples as he did in 1898, the gambling halls (now closed), the dog taxi system, and dredgers searching for gold."
Motion Picture Distributors and Exhibitors of Canada, Canadian Motion Pictures 1914-1932 (June 1932), 5.
Peter Morris, Embattled Shadows: A History of Canadian Cinema, 1895-1939, p. 224-225, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1978.
"Within a year of the company's founding, Norrish released the first of ASN's theatrical short film series, Kinograms. Released in Canada by Canadian Universal, the Kinograms were travelogues about Canada and some foreign countries largely shot on routes served by CPR rail, ferry or ship services, and were in fact thinly disguised promotions for travel by CPR. The series continued through the Twenties and not uncommonly duplicated films on similar themes produced by the Canadian Government Motion Picture Bureau. (Though, unlike the latter's films, they had only limited foreign release.)"