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Jamboree of Achievement

Accession number: 
Alternate Titles: 
2nd Canadian Jamboree
Production Years: 
1953 to 1954


Film Properties: 
Length (feet): 
970 (16mm)
Length (minutes): 
Holding Institutions: 

Library and Archives Canada: 16mm.
"International Boy Scout Jamboree held in Ottawa 1953."

University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta: 16mm.
"A review of the 1953 Canadian Jamboree of Boy Scouts at Ottawa."
From the Catalogue of 16mm Educational Motion Pictures. Published by the Educational Media Division, Department of Extension, University of Alberta, Edmonton, 1967.


From The Boys Scouts Association 1960 Film Catalogue:
"An excellent pictorial record of the 2nd Canadian Jamboree, "The Jamboree of Achievement", held at Connaught Rifle Ranges, near Ottawa, in 1953, this film was sponsored by Walter M. Lowney Co., Limited of Montreal."