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Accession number
1958.0007 Choosing a Doctor
1958.0008 Community Health Is Up to You
1958.0009 Making Life Adjustments
1958.0010 Should You Drink?
1958.0011 Lures and Fins
1958.0013 Quarantined
1958.0014 The Power to Grow
1958.0015 The School of Papermaking of the Province of Quebec
1958.0018 Football Fever
1958.0019 Recreation of Art
1958.0020 Broken Doll
1958.0021 Castle of Learning
1958.0022 Ceramics in Spain
1958.0023 Through These Doors
1958.0024 Graduates for Tomorrow
1958.0025 This Most Gallant Affair
1958.0026 Research for Tomorrow
1958.0027 Ambassador Extraordinary
1958.0029 Quetico
1958.0030 Each Year They Come
1958.0031 Craftsmen of Canada
1958.0032 The Medical Use of Hypnosis
1958.0033 A Double in Bluefins
1958.0033 Refining Copper from the Sudbury Nickel Ores
1958.0034 L'Artisanat du Québec
1958.0035 Le Tour du St-Laurent
1958.0036 Sun, Snow and Fun in Quebec
1958.0037 Winter Frolics in Quebec
1958.0038 Quebec Red Trout
1958.0039 Quebec Reel
1958.0040 Au printemps
1958.0041 "Most Lovely Country" : British Columbia
1958.0042 Equal to Marquis
1958.0043 Cement Storage and Construction
1958.0044 His Crucible
1958.0045 The Tall Country
1958.0046 Ontario's Great Northwest
1958.0047 Fight for Fame
1958.0048 Saskatchewan Our University
1958.0049 Pipeline from the Peace to the Pacific
1958.0054 Penser avant de dépenser
1958.0057 Roads to Reading
1959.0001 The Abbey on Monte Cassino
1959.0002 Land of Blue Water
1959.0003 Project Muskie
1959.0005 Faces of Depression
1959.0006 Up in the Border Country
1959.0007 This Modern Age
1959.0008 On to Ottawa : The Story of the Western Farm Delegation in 1959
1959.0009 Old Fort Henry
1959.0010 Riding High : With the Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies
1959.0011 Bristol Britannia
1959.0012 This Is Husky
1959.0013 Pursuit of Wisdom
1959.0014 La Traverse d'hiver à l'Île aux Coudres
1959.0015 La Rivière du Gouffre
1959.0016 Les Goélettes
1959.0018 Les Diamants du Canada
1959.0019 Toutes isles
1959.0020 En r'venant de St-Hilarion
1959.0021 L'Anse-aux-Basques
1959.0022 Ka Ke Ki Ku
1959.0024 The Mine in the Valley
1959.0025 Friendly Interchange
1959.0026 District Nurse
1959.0027 C.I.L. Today : Progress Report
1959.0028 You Are the Bank
1959.0029 The Chartered Accountant in Canada
1959.0030 The Great River
1959.0031 Aluminum Pipe Welding by Machine
1959.0032 The Unveiling of the Artillery Memorial
1959.0035 Manitoba Trails
1959.0038 The Faces of Depression : A Phenomenological Approach to the Depression Syndrome
1959.0039 New North : Part 2. New Patterns in Flight
1959.0040 Russia and Canada
1959.0041 Voices in Space
1959.0042 Man's Adaptability to Cold (Polar People)
1959.0043 Promesse du nord
1959.0044 Refining Precious Metals from Sudbury Nickel Ores
1959.0045 Beautiful Bonne Bay
1959.0046 Tight Lines
1959.0047 Energetically Yours
1959.0048 Charmes de Québec
1959.0049 Montréal
1959.0050 Escape to the North
1959.0051 Secret Cargo
1959.0052 Canadian Ski Preview
1959.0053 Lincoln County : A Century of Harvest
1959.0054 Pressure Golf
1959.0055 Take Four Giant Steps
1959.0057 Médecine d'aujourd'hui
1959.0058 Les Indiens du Haut Saint-Maurice
1960.0001 Epidural Anaesthesia for Vaginal Delivery in Obstetrics
1960.0002 1960 Harmsworth Trophy
1960.0003 Fun Skiing
1960.0004 Attiuk
1960.0005 Arctic Goose Hunt
1960.0007 Fraser Canyon
1960.0011 Federal Express
1960.0012 In the Balance
1960.0013 Le Système CRB
1960.0014 Sunrise in the West
1960.0015 Raise More - For Less
1960.0017 Long Haul
1960.0018 Grain Train
1960.0019 Land of the Overlanders
1960.0020 Saskatchewan Wheat Pool - Price Spreads
1960.0021 Le Jean Richard
1960.0022 Harrold
1960.0023 Principles of Inhalation Anesthesia in Domestic Animals
1960.0026 Tête-à-la-Baleine
1960.0027 Where Winter's a Pleasure
1960.0028 L'Anse Tabatière
1960.0029 Oxy-Acetylene Pressure Welding
1960.0030 Trans-Atlantic Empress
1960.0031 Rome : VIP Flight
1960.0032 Launching the Empress of Canada
1960.0033 1960 Harnsworth : Picton, Canada
1960.0035 It Takes Two to Crosswalk
1960.0036 Barbados West Indian Wonderland
1960.0038 La Pitoune
1960.0040 Harry's in a Hurry
1960.0041 Beaver Dam
1960.0043 Saguenay
1960.0044 Campus on the Move
1960.0045 The Prevention of Disability in Rheumatoid Arthritis
1960.0046 Next Time You Spill the Beans
1960.0047 Dislocating and Stacking Faults
1960.0052 Premier Frost's Election Speech
1960.0053 For Those Who Drink
1960.0055 A Pathological Anxiety
1960.0056 A Depression
1960.0057 A Psychopath
1960.0058 An Adventure in Taste
1960.0058 They Come to Huronia
1960.0059 Happy Little Hamsters
1960.0060 How Ale Is Made
1960.0061 Project North Star
1960.0062 Stainless Steel in Architecture
1960.0064 Assurance-hospitalisation
1960.0065 L'Assurance-hospitalisation
1960.0066 Campagne électorale du parti Libéral
1960.0067 Comté de Montmorency
1960.0068 The Art of Gift Wrapping
1960.0069 Bluefin Rodeo
1960.0070 L'Institut des Arts Graphiques de la province de Québec
1960.0071 Meuble et décor (ébénisterie)
1960.0072 Feux et couleurs
1960.0073 Dentelles de métal (fer forgé)
1960.0074 Sun and Fun in Quebec
1960.0076 Le Drapeau de la province de Québec
1960.0077 Visite du général de Gaulle à Québec en 1960
1960.0078 Ayers High Grade Felts
1960.0079 Hamilton
1960.0080 What Is a Chamber of Commerce?
1960.0082 Location Niagara
1960.0084 One on Every Street
1960.0085 Abegweit
1960.0086 Goose Hunt
1960.0087 The Year of the Crown for Art Wall Jr.
1960.0088 Bright Century
1960.0089 Citadel of Upper Canada
1960.0090 Stones of Angkor
1960.0091 Le Bar du Saint-Laurent
1960.0092 La Béatification de Mère d'Youville
1960.0093 [Film politique de Roméo Lorrain]
1960.0095 La Vierge de Lourdes au Québec
1960.0096 Assermentation des membres du gouvernement Lesage
1960.0097 Un vote honnête pour une victoire libérale
1960.0098 Les Feux s'animent
1960.0099 Carnaval de Québec
1961.0001 La Psychologie au laboratoire
1961.0002 Through the Wine Glass
1961.0003 Avalon Holiday
1961.0004 A Cinematic View of Kinematics
1961.0005 A Coronary
1961.0007 Holiday to a Holiday
1961.0008 Tidal Workshop
1961.0009 The Fastest Game in the World
1961.0010 Le Film de Hockey Molson
1961.0012 Kootenay Lake Holiday
1961.0013 Live It Up in Manitoba at the Northern Manitoba Trappers' Festival in The Pas
1961.0014 You Can Go a Long Way
1961.0015 A Look Behind the Big B.A.
1961.0016 100,000 Children
1961.0017 At Your Fingertips
1961.0018 Scotch Cup 1961
1961.0019 Living with Diabetes
1961.0020 Jamboree Diary
1961.0021 Valley Centre
1961.0022 Schenley Awards 1961
1961.0023 Giants of the New Frontier
1961.0024 Men of the Woods
1961.0025 Phenylketonuria : A Preventable Cause of Mental Retardation
1961.0026 Invisible Force of Direction
1961.0027 Vigil
1961.0028 A New Spring in Copper
1961.0029 Birth of a Jet
1961.0031 Avon in Canada
1961.0032 Project Sentinel
