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Accession number
1952.0088 Shop Talk
1952.0089 Everybody's Business
1952.0091 T.C.A. 845
1952.0091 Tips on Typing
1952.0092 Duties of a Secretary
1952.0093 A Ship Is Born
1952.0094 Retraining in Paraplegia
1952.0095 Windsor, Ontario - Industrial Gateway to Canada
1952.0096 The Wool that Will Not Shrink
1952.0097 Prairie Conquest
1952.0098 Hunting in Newfoundland
1952.0099 First Caribbean Jamboree
1952.0100 Duck Havens
1952.0112 Tavibois
1952.0112 Ébauche d'un film: La Mauricie
1952.0113 Big Island
1952.0114 Spotlight No. 4
1953.0001 The Frustrating Fours and the Fascinating Fives
1953.0002 Steel for Canadians
1953.0003 By Map and Compass
1953.0004 Sinews of Industry
1953.0005 Immediate Action
1953.0006 Underground 1129
1953.0008 The Oxy-Acetylene Depositing of Stellite
1953.0009 Traveller's Cheques
1953.0010 Road Block
1953.0011 Liquid Beauty
1953.0012 Oil - The Invisible Traveller
1953.0013 Rogerstone
1953.0014 Leaders for Leisure
1953.0015 The Grey Cup
1953.0017 Highlights of the International Golf Rules
1953.0018 Canadian Pattern
1953.0020 It Didn't Have to Happen
1953.0021 Big Four Highlights of 1953
1953.0022 The Seasons
1953.0023 The Beaver Makes a Comeback
1953.0024 Dogs at Work
1953.0025 Canadian Headlines of 1952
1953.0026 Mighty Muskie
1953.0028 That Man May Live
1953.0029 High Powder
1953.0030 St. Laurent : The Man and His Country
1953.0031 The KP-600 Air Compressor for Tractor Mounted Drilling Power
1953.0032 Régales de salades
1953.0033 The Golden Leaf
1953.0034 The Grand Festival
1953.0035 Skidoo
1953.0036 Construisez pour la vie
1953.0037 100,000 chevaux sous le Saint-Laurent
1953.0038 Your Health Unit
1953.0039 Cotton Made in Canada
1953.0040 Alpine Bread
1953.0041 The 5th Ingredient
1953.0042 Camp Banting
1953.0043 The Sports Parade : The Royal Mounties
1953.0044 Kumak, the Sleepy Hunter
1953.0045 Jamboree of Achievement
1953.0046 The Story of Cellophane
1953.0047 Packaged Power II
1953.0048 Queen's Plate Coronation Day
1953.0049 A Question of Teamwork
1953.0050 Danish Seining
1953.0051 Polysar
1953.0052 The Ring-Necked Pheasant
1953.0052 Food for Freddy
1953.0056 Sacre de Monseigneur Bernier
1953.0057 Réalisations techniques au service du public
1953.0058 De fil en étoffe
1953.0059 Magie des fibres
1953.0060 Tapis et tableaux
1953.0061 Le Chant du Saguenay
1953.0062 Two Related Industries
1953.0063 The Road to Recovery
1953.0064 Beyond the Steel
1953.0065 Fishing in Newfoundland
1953.0066 Fishing the Last Frontier
1953.0067 The Story of the 44th Canadian Open Golf Championship
1953.0068 VIA Pipeline
1953.0069 Développement minier aux Sept-Îles
1953.0070 Les Canadiens sont là
1953.0071 Vers une éducation intégrale
1953.0073 La Vaccination par le BCG
1953.0078 Étapes et rencontres internationales
1953.0079 Oil Across the Rockies
1953.0080 Le Feu, un dangereux serviteur
1953.0081 Spotlight No. 5
1953.0082 Spotlight No. 7
1954.0001 From Sociable Six to Noisy Nine
1954.0003 The Stone that Burns
1954.0004 The Search Continues
1954.0005 Foundry Education
1954.0006 Everybody's Handicapped
1954.0007 Something About Typography
1954.0008 Look to the Centre
1954.0010 Episode in Valleydale
1954.0011 Noranda Enterprise
1954.0012 The Sergeant Sees It Through
1954.0013 The Powerful Horseshoe
1954.0014 Cancer Is a Word
1954.0015 Underground East
1954.0016 The Five Faces of Quebec
1954.0017 Canada's East Coast Playground
1954.0018 Wings North
1954.0020 The Helicopter at Work
1954.0021 Money in Your Pocket
1954.0022 The Gold Cup Comes Home
1954.0023 A Feel for the Game
1954.0024 Grey Cup 1954
1954.0025 Hot Hickory : Featuring the Skiing of Ernie McCulloch
1954.0026 Towards One World
1954.0027 Bright Corridors
1954.0028 The Musical Ride
1954.0029 The Seagram Collection of the Cities of Canada
1954.0030 Second Look at Canada
1954.0031 Canadair Family Day
1954.0032 Certo : Jelly and Jam Session
1954.0033 The Underwood Story
1954.0034 Avro Special Project Y
1954.0035 Infantry
1954.0036 Family Life
1954.0037 Canada/Kanada
1954.0038 The Same Is My Brother
1954.0039 Ack Ack
1954.0040 Signals
1954.0041 Ordinance
1954.0042 Van Doos
1954.0044 Army Medical Corps
1954.0045 A Family Affair
1954.0046 The Grey Cup Cavalcade
1954.0047 Where None Shall Thirst
1954.0048 It's in the Cards
1954.0051 Écoles de bonheur
1954.0052 This Is Nova Scotia
1954.0053 This World of Ours -- Manitoba
1954.0054 Adventure for Anglers
1954.0055 The Muskoka Story
1954.0056 Along the Cabot Trail
1954.0057 Hunting Without a Gun
1954.0058 Playground of Two Nations
1954.0059 Le Congrès marial national
1954.0060 Pilgrims in Quebec
1954.0061 Images de Noël au pays de Québec
1954.0062 Une nouvelle région minière Chibougamau
1954.0063 Lutte à la tordeuse des bourgeons de l'épinette
1954.0064 Castors du Québec
1954.0065 Embellissons notre province
1954.0066 Ici les Laurentides
1954.0067 Laurentian Ski Week-end in Quebec
1954.0068 Laurentian Snowland
1954.0069 Panoramas du Québec
1954.0070 Big Crossing
1954.0071 Feasting with Salads
1954.0072 Maritime Holiday
1954.0073 Fishing for Facts
1954.0074 Hitting the Jackpot in Alberta
1954.0074 Bons ou vénéneux?
1954.0075 Out of the North
1954.0076 Un jardin dans le Québec : une esquisse des Cantons de l'Est
1954.0077 The Stanley Cup Finals 1954
1954.0078 Va-t-en jouer!
1954.0079 La Protection du gibier
1954.0080 The Navy Goes North
1954.0084 Ore in '54
1955.0001 Power and Passage
1955.0002 Vacation in Jasper
1955.0003 Teamwork in Action
1955.0004 Destination U.K.
1955.0005 Investing Is for Me
1955.0006 The Museum Train
1955.0007 The Missing Link : The Story of an Airfield in Labrador-Ungava
1955.0008 Pipeline for Progress
1955.0009 Without Warning
1955.0011 It's Asbestos
1955.0012 Man-Made Rain
1955.0013 Canada's Pathway to Plenty
1955.0014 The Saga of Safety Sam
1955.0015 The Face of Saskatchewan
1955.0016 A Matter of Importance
1955.0018 Tones and Half-Tones
1955.0019 The Story of Wine in Canada
1955.0020 Appointment with Youth
1955.0022 Vancouver Refinery
1955.0023 Liquid Lore
1955.0024 Land of Bubbling Waters
1955.0025 Decade in the Air
1955.0026 A Nation in Touch
1955.0027 Our Valley
1955.0028 The Plywood Story
1955.0029 Making a Totem Pole
1955.0030 Grounds for Fishing
1955.0032 Towel Tale
1955.0033 Regina Exhibition
1955.0034 Swinging with the Stars
1955.0035 A River Creates an Industry : The Saguenay River Aluminum Production in Canada
1955.0036 High Speed Aluminum Welding
1955.0037 Man Made Rain
1955.0038 Houses in a Hurry
1955.0039 The Long Silence
1955.0040 En Mauricie
