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Accession number
1971.0040 Schenley Awards
1971.0041 Canada, We Love You : Pontiac / Buick, Parts 1 and 2
1971.0043 Good Friday in Little Italy
1971.0044 A Matter of Job Protection
1971.0045 The Tragicall Hiftorie of Hamlet Prince of Denmarke
1971.0047 The Essence of Life
1971.0048 Watching Wild Wings
1971.0049 London Family and Children's Services
1971.0050 Crashes
1971.0051 Exports : Who Needs Exports?
1971.0055 Settling the Shield
1971.0056 Basic Radio Circuitry
1971.0057 His Responsibility
1971.0058 Education and Recreation
1971.0059 Home Crafts
1971.0060 Preparing Food
1971.0061 The Home
1971.0062 The Farm
1971.0063 The Village
1971.0064 Manipulation de la fermeture à glissière
1971.0065 Chronique d'une observation
1971.0066 Le nourisson
1971.0067 Anyanya
1971.0068 L'éducation au Québec
1971.0069 En montagne
1971.0070 La fête
1971.0071 Une bonne journée pour les pionniers
1971.0072 Bois et forêts 71
1971.0073 Chimie industrielle (analyse)
1971.0074 Techniques de l'eau et de l'assainissement
1971.0075 Techniques infirmières
1971.0076 Techniques maritimes
1971.0077 Atelier de travail sur la gestion scolaire I
1971.0078 Atelier de travail sur la gestion scolaire II
1971.0079 Points de vue sur la situation générale de l'éducation au Québec
1971.0080 Regroupement scolaire
1971.0081 Chut...
1971.0082 Le ruisseau
1971.0083 Moi moi nous
1971.0084 Le cycle de l'eau
1971.0085 Philidor
1971.0086 Je fabrique une crèche
1971.0087 Je fabrique des décorations de Noël
1971.0088 Je fabrique une étoile
1971.0089 Zazi et Zazou
1971.0090 La locomotion
1971.0091 La texture
1971.0092 La symétrie
1971.0093 Hands - Jeux de mains
1971.0094 Pencil - Le crayon
1971.0095 L'enfant et les mathématiques
1971.0096 Le professeur et les mathématiques
1971.0097 Oui, je parle français
1972.0001 Je m'universifie
1972.0003 The George Retzlaff Story
1972.0003 Genetics : Man the Creator
1972.0004 Normal Microcirculation of the Mammalian Liver
1972.0005 Techniques en laboratoire de microbiologie
1972.0006 Maladies vénériennes : nommez la personne
1972.0007 Canadian Identity
1972.0008 Nature's Story Through the Seasons in Saskatchewan
1972.0009 Chinese Community : Wai-Yee and Wah-Hon, British Columbia
1972.0010 Arkutik : A Baffin Adventure
1972.0011 Au seuil de l'opératoire
1972.0012 The Netsilik Eskimo Today
1972.0013 Child Behaviour Equals You : Child Behaviour
1972.0014 Bienvenue a bord
1972.0015 Geology : Lake Agassiz Region
1972.0016 Media - Massaging the Mind
1972.0019 Kitkatla : A Community Involvement in Education
1972.0020 Timothy
1972.0021 Sutton Hoo Ship Burial
1972.0022 Architecture : New Directions
1972.0023 Allons-y tous ensemble
1972.0024 Parks and People
1972.0025 Soils of Alberta
1972.0026 I Paint What I Know : Gershon Iskowitz
1972.0027 Moving Plates and Continents
1972.0028 In Exile : American Draft Resisters and Deserters in Canada
1972.0029 The Takeover Game
1972.0030 Grey Cup Philharmonic
1972.0031 Forests Forever
1972.0032 National Frontier
1972.0033 Schenley Awards 1972
1972.0035 It Happens
1972.0036 Every Man's Wilderness
1972.0037 The Hidden Treasure
1972.0038 The President's Speech : President of General Motors
1972.0039 Journey to Power
1972.0045 CUSO in East and Central Africa
1972.0047 Churchill Falls Inauguration
1972.0048 Judging Elementary Figures
1972.0049 Another Magic Bullet
1972.0050 Trees for Tomorrow
1972.0051 Trees Unlimited
1972.0052 Habitation Sculpture
1972.0053 More Common than Measles and Mumps
1972.0054 Purposes of Family Planning
1972.0055 Lickety-Split Licorice
1972.0056 Stealing
1972.0057 Cheating
1972.0058 Sharing
1972.0059 Le monde merveilleux de l'exposition canadienne
1972.0060 Methods of Family Planning
1972.0061 Un allié puissant
1972.0062 Tam-tam et balafons
1972.0063 L'artisanat...à l'est du Québec
1972.0064 Québec aujourd'hui
1972.0065 D'une part
1972.0066 Un valet de coeur
1972.0067 Les as de pique
1972.0068 Les atouts
1972.0069 Un château de cartes
1972.0070 Le nouveau roi
1972.0071 L'ordre de grandeur
1972.0072 L'ordre inverse
1972.0073 Silhouettes et marottes
1972.0074 Un petit canard pas comme les autres
1972.0075 Mesures de longeur
1972.0076 Adieu, Monsieur le professeur
1972.0077 Quatre jeunes trois boss
1972.0078 Y a du coeur au programme
1972.0079 Au seuil de l'opératoire
1972.0080 L'ordre temporel
1972.0081 Les régions
1973.0005 Techniques in Boreal Ecology : Animal Populations and Activity
1973.0006 Ntesi nana shepen : on disait que c'était notre terre, partie 1
1973.0007 Ntesi nana shepen : on disait que c'était notre terre, partie 2
1973.0008 Ntesi nana shepen : on disait que c'était notre terre, partie 3
1973.0009 Ntesi nana shepen : on disait que c'était notre terre, partie 4
1973.0010 Kueste tshe skamit : l'autre monde ou le territoire des âmes
1973.0011 Paquashipu : la rivière sèche
1973.0012 Mistashipu : la grande rivière
1973.0013 Une cause civile
1973.0014 Un procès criminel
1973.0015 Estevan, the City with Power to Burn
1973.0017 Animal Population and Activity
1973.0019 Attitudes About Attitudes
1973.0020 Attribution of Motives
1973.0023 Father Lacombe
1973.0024 Behaviour in Crowds
1973.0025 Canoeman's Wilderness
1973.0026 World Religions
1973.0027 The Colours of Pride
1973.0028 Condom Application for Urinary Incontinence
1973.0029 Cone in Space
1973.0030 Selected Al Purdy
1973.0031 Badaduq
1973.0033 La Leçon des mongoliens
1973.0035 Modelling : After You
1973.0036 Line in Space : Piercing Points
1973.0037 Impressions, Formation and Interpersonal Attraction
1973.0038 Rodin
1973.0039 Line in Space : Cone Method
1973.0040 The Elements of Brickwork
1973.0041 Flashing Silver
1973.0042 Point in Space
1973.0044 Predicting Our World
1973.0045 Getting Around
1973.0046 Line in Space : Single Auxiliary Views
1973.0047 I Am Not Going to Smoke
1973.0048 The Job
1973.0049 The Old Corner Store Will Be Knocked Down by the Wreckers
1973.0050 Group Pressures
1973.0051 Line in Space : Double Auxiliary Views
1973.0052 Farmers Factory Day
1973.0055 Social Psychology and Hypnosis
1973.0056 Social Psychology : What, Why And How?
1973.0057 Spirit of Stone
1973.0058 Stereotyping and Prejudice
1973.0059 This Is Stompin' Tom
1973.0060 This Nuclear Age
1973.0061 White Days - Red Nites
1973.0062 Alcohol in My Land
1973.0064 Ferguson/Wilson Racing
1973.0066 North Scope
1973.0067 Tanga Man
1973.0068 Manitoba : Everyman's Wilderness
1973.0069 Me and Sam McGee
1973.0070 Stampede Royale
1973.0071 Stampede in Scarlett
1973.0072 Canadian Travel Film Program : Picture Canada
1973.0073 Eruption on Heimaey
1973.0074 Players Challenge – Alberta
1973.0075 Players Pacific 1973
1973.0076 Players Quebec 1973
1973.0077 Players Atlantic 1973
1973.0078 Players Manitoba 1973
1973.0079 Players Ontario 1973
1973.0083 Players Preview : The Faster They Run
1973.0084 Direct Observation of the Flow of Molten Steel in Sand Moulds, Part One : Horizontal Gating Systems for Steel Castings
1973.0085 Today's Firefighter
1973.0088 The Winning of Nickel
1973.0089 Colonel By's Town
1973.0090 Big City Paper
1973.0091 The Day the Sayward Died
1973.0092 Tread Carefully Through the Woods
1973.0093 Montréal
1973.0094 La Gaspésie : féconde et malaisée
1973.0095 Fear : "I Just Can't Do It!"
