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Accession number
1969.0168 Valleys and People
1969.0169 Roads to Prosperity
1969.0170 Nation Builders
1969.0171 The Big Z
1969.0172 The Claim Stakers
1969.0173 Textbook Mining
1969.0174 A City Is Born
1969.0175 Stand by for Life
1969.0176 [Area Serviced by the Ontario Northland Railway]
1969.0177 [Goose Shooting at James Bay]
1969.0178 [Speckled Trout Fishing at Temagami]
1969.0179 Horn of Plenty
1969.0180 The Invisible River
1969.0181 Water Management in Ontario
1969.0182 The River Must Live
1969.0183 Clean Water It's Your Decision
1969.0184 Cable to Treasure Island
1969.0185 Power for Pelee
1969.0186 Plywood World
1969.0187 [Egg Dishes]
1969.0188 [How to Cut Up and Cook Turkey Pieces]
1969.0189 [Technique of Carving Chicken or Turkey by Side Style]
1969.0190 [How to Run a Barbecue]
1969.0191 Room of Destiny
1969.0192 How to Score More Goals
1969.0193 Figure Skating
1969.0194 A Canadian Mosaic
1969.0195 Chemical Valley : Cultivated for Industry
1969.0196 Canadian Caper
1969.0197 Happy Fishing Ground
1969.0198 Panorama of a Province
1969.0199 Parkland Playground
1969.0200 Glands and Hormones
1969.0201 The Sun Don't Shine on the Damwe Dawg's Back All the Time
1969.0202 Carribbean Tour
1969.0203 [Shaw's Hotel]
1969.0204 Cross Country on Skis
1969.0205 The Mudslingers
1969.0206 Counter Attack
1969.0207 Business Barometer
1969.0208 Through the Woods
1969.0209 Who Cares for Carol Anne
1969.0210 Thermal Snow Melters
1969.0211 Vancouver Honeymoon
1969.0212 Hands of the Man
1969.0213 The Other Side of the River
1969.0214 Who Cares?
1969.0215 The Maturing Female
1969.0216 Teenage Pregnancy
1969.0217 Love
1969.0218 Dating
1969.0219 Going Steady
1969.0221 The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Musical Ride
1969.0222 The Fashion Picture
1969.0223 Today the Campus Tomorrow the World
1970.0001 Oncolyse par clostridies
1970.0003 Technique de la passe balayée au hockey
1970.0004 Anatomy of the Bovine Flank
1970.0005 Basic Curling Strategy : Draw vs. Take-Out
1970.0006 Before Pregnancy
1970.0007 Big Northern Pike
1970.0008 Canoeing the North Country
1970.0009 Countdown Canada
1970.0010 Cree Lake
1970.0011 End of One
1970.0013 Bird Hazards to Aircraft
1970.0014 Fullerton's Capital Idea
1970.0019 Our Effluent Society
1970.0020 Rapid Transit
1970.0022 Glacier
1970.0023 To Build a Better World
1970.0024 Industrial Uses of Grain
1970.0025 Parliament Street
1970.0026 Investing in Canada
1970.0027 The Game and Equipment
1970.0028 Seeds of Research
1970.0029 Kalvak
1970.0030 Red Deer Valley
1970.0031 The Maze : The Story of William Kurelek
1970.0032 Our Heritage
1970.0033 The Way It Was
1970.0034 Vision '79
1970.0035 Hardy Champion
1970.0037 Farm at Flare Square
1970.0038 The Natural Choice : Pacific Coast Hemlock
1970.0039 Gone with the Wind Too
1970.0040 By Their Own Strength
1970.0041 Cours audio-visuel de français, langue seconde
1970.0042 Gaston Miron
1970.0043 Steel for the West
1970.0044 Jack Chambers : A Retrospective
1970.0045 Game Strategy
1970.0046 Power Tools
1970.0047 Integrated Control of Orchard Insects
1970.0050 Creative Dance with Joyce Boorman
1970.0051 Labour and Delivery
1970.0052 Craning with Confidence
1970.0053 To Serve Ourselves
1970.0054 The Grand Tour
1970.0055 Grizzlies
1970.0056 Glacial Geology : Interior Plains Region
1970.0057 Canadian Wheat Board
1970.0058 Something Concrete : Safety in Concrete Construction
1970.0059 Some Concepts in Reaction Dynamics
1970.0060 Sons of Captain Poetry
1970.0061 This Vibrant Land : The Group of Seven
1970.0064 The Waterloo Trip
1970.0065 Instruction et vie sociale
1970.0066 La Ferme
1970.0067 La Nourriture
1970.0068 Le Foyer
1970.0069 Les Artisans
1970.0071 Floor Hockey Drill
1970.0072 Dead on the Level
1970.0073 The Living City
1970.0074 Edmonton Omniplex
1970.0078 Under Fire
1970.0079 Rabbit Holes, Sticks and Anything Round
1970.0080 Traders Group Vignettes Qualifying
1970.0081 Ontario Go Country
1970.0082 Jockey Training
1970.0083 Bobby Orr Story
1970.0084 Yvan Cournoyer
1970.0085 Man Alive : Manitoba Alive
1970.0086 The Money Go Round
1970.0088 Quarterback
1970.0089 Concerning Studded Tires
1970.0090 What on Earth Is Out of Her Mind?
1970.0091 What Kind of World Do You Want?
1970.0092 Power from Labrador
1970.0093 Canada at 8.30
1970.0094 IDRC : Partners in Research
1970.0096 A Hospital Is...
1970.0098 The Great Danish from Denmark
1970.0099 Downstream
1970.0100 Growing
1970.0101 L'Assurance-maladie
1970.0110 Anti-Marijuana Film
1970.0111 La machine à vapeur - Physique et rationalité
1970.0112 Un entretien sur la mécanologie I
1970.0113 Un entretien sur la mécanologie II
1970.0114 Bas de laine et papier-monnaie
1970.0115 Régie de l'assurance-dépôts
1970.0116 Applications thermiques du bâtiment
1970.0117 Faut-il avoir peur de l'ordinateur?
1970.0118 Le technicien en arpentage minier
1970.0119 A six ans, un magnétophone
1970.0120 Audiovision no 17
1970.0121 Bonjour monsieur Turgeon
1970.0122 Communication à 13 ans
1970.0123 La géographie et cinq média
1970.0124 Lucille
1970.0125 Babel P.Q.
1970.0126 Québec 4-5-6
1970.0127 Les assiettes logiques
1970.0128 Les astronautes ensemblistes
1970.0129 Dimensions de la classe
1970.0130 Les jumeaux symétriques
1970.0131 Lapins vs poissons
1970.0132 Miroirs et pliages
1970.0133 Les oiseaux classifiés
1970.0134 Le robot ordonnateur
1970.0135 Safari topologique
1970.0136 Le temps des évènements
1970.0137 Operations mathématiques I
1970.0138 Operations mathématiques II
1970.0139 Operations mathématiques III
1970.0140 Operations mathématiques IV
1971.0000 Avalanche : A Tribute to the Trackmen of CP Rail
1971.0001 Passengers or Partners : Sea Anemones and Their Crabs
1971.0003 Sexuality and Communication
1971.0004 1971 Can-Am Race
1971.0006 Creating a Storyboard
1971.0008 Early Years
1971.0009 Exploring Drama, Part 1
1971.0010 Exploring Drama, Part 2
1971.0011 Fearful Symmetry : The World Looks at Northrop Frye Looks at The World
1971.0012 Flip City... The Psychotropics and You
1971.0013 This Is a Film About Farming
1971.0014 Apprentissage et mouvement
1971.0017 This Is Simon Fraser University
1971.0018 Selling Out
1971.0020 Ontario à la Carte
1971.0021 The Generator and the Motor
1971.0022 Electrical Strain Gauge Mounting
1971.0023 Where Has Sanctuary Gone?
1971.0024 Sand
1971.0025 Fly Geese F-l-y
1971.0026 St. Pascal
1971.0028 Vistas
1971.0029 White Powder World
1971.0030 The Circle of Magnetism
1971.0031 Motors Big and Small
1971.0032 Procor's Coal Car Unit Train
1971.0033 Atlantic Container Line the Atlantic Revolution
1971.0035 Procor's Rock Limestone Unit Train
1971.0036 Gone Fishing
1971.0037 New Forests for Old
1971.0038 Hudson 70 : Phase VIII The Arctic Voyage
1971.0039 Concerning Studded Tires / After Studded Tires
