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Accession number
1898.0001 [Ten Years in Manitoba]
1910.0001 The Song that Reached His Heart. A Story of the Lumber Regions of Western Canada
1915.0001 A Necessary Precaution
1916.0001 Spraying and Dusting Fruit Trees
1917.0001 The Construction of a Concrete Highway
1917.0002 Ontario Wool
1917.0003 Corral and Cree Indians
1917.0004 Prince Edward : The Smallest County in Ontario
1917.0005 Iron and Steel From the Ore Bed to the Smelter
1917.0006 The Provincial Plowing Match
1918.0001 The Rocks of Elora
1918.0003 Canada's Work for Wounded Soldiers
1918.0004 The Most Picturesque Spot in North America
1918.0005 Greater Food Production
1918.0006 Lake of Bays Regatta
1919.0001 The Prince of Wales in Canada
1919.0002 Prosperity
1919.0003 The Construction of a Gravel Road
1919.0004 The Uses of Explosives in Clearing New Farms and Rejuvenating Old Ones
1919.0005 The Cream Industry
1919.0006 The Construction of Canada's Largest Apartment Building
1919.0007 One of Canada's Leading Hotels
1919.0008 The Playground of a Continent
1919.0009 Toronto: The Gateway of Ontario
1919.0012 Summer Resorts in Ontario
1919.0013 Art at the Technical School
1919.0014 Why Not Use A Tractor?
1919.0015 State Funeral of the Late Right Honourable Sir Wilfred Laurier Feb. 22nd, 1919
1919.0016 Canada's National Parks
1919.0017 Britain's Future King
1919.0018 Ottawa : Home of Canada's Parliament
1919.0019 Canada's Harvest of Fish
1919.0020 The Annual Varsity Scrap
1920.0001 Moose
1920.0002 Through Canada's Rockies
1920.0003 Beautiful Ocean Falls
1920.0004 Astronomical Aspects
1920.0005 The Triangle Tour
1920.0007 The Fur Industry in Canada
1920.0008 [Medical Film, Dr. Edward Archibald, McGill University]
1920.0009 [Fire-Extinguishing Liquid Demonstration, Canadian Foamite Firefoam, Montreal]
1920.0010 Speeding the Spoken Word
1920.0011 Wonders of Wireless [Canadian Version]
1920.0012 The Story of a Blouse
1920.0014 Niagara's Winter Wizardry
1920.0015 The Years, the Seasons and the Days
1920.0016 Skyland by Horse
1920.0017 Hydro Development on the Severn River
1920.0018 The History of a Grain of Wheat
1920.0019 Livestock at the CNE
1920.0020 Soil Physics
1920.0021 Turning the Furrow
1920.0022 Our Youth in Training
1920.0023 Guernseys in Ontario Pastures
1920.0024 Canadian Pictorial News
1920.0025 Parliament Opens in its New Home
1921.0001 Food for Thought
1921.0002 China the Ancient
1921.0003 Wild Westing De Luxe
1921.0004 Quebec, Old and New
1921.0005 Proportioning Concrete Mixtures. Mixing and Placing Concrete
1921.0006 The Tide of Immigration
1921.0007 Canada's Metropolis
1921.0008 Nation Building in Saskatchewan : The Ukrainians
1921.0009 The Education of the New Canadian
1921.0010 Old French Canada
1921.0011 Prince Edward's Industries
1921.0012 Export Steers
1921.0013 In Old Quebec
1921.0014 Life in a Mining Camp
1921.0015 Public Health Nursing in Manitoba
1921.0016 The Rugged Road to Learning
1921.0017 Canadian National Pictorial
1921.0018 The Chippawa Canal
1922.0001 Heap Busy Indians
1922.0002 Current Gossip
1922.0003 The Romance of Huronia
1922.0004 The Years, the Seasons and the Days
1922.0005 Smelter Fires
1922.0006 The Ploughing Match 1922
1922.0007 When Firemen Grow Wings : Fire Fighting with Aeroplanes
1922.0008 Getting Canada's Goat
1922.0009 Millionaires Without a Cent
1922.0010 A Party on the Roof of the World
1922.0011 By the Still Waters
1922.0012 Livestock and Dairying
1922.0013 Land of Promise
1922.0014 New Homes Within the Empire
1922.0015 Opportunity
1922.0016 Rediscovery of French River
1922.0017 Some Water Powers of Eastern Canada
1922.0018 Where West Meets East
1922.0019 Power Development on the Nipigon River
1922.0020 Silos for the Farm
1922.0021 The Manufacture of Woollen Cloth
1922.0022 The Great Lakes
1922.0023 Making Blister Copper
1922.0024 En Voyage
1922.0025 Biological Control of Insect Pests Series No. 1 - Parasites of the European Corn Borer
1922.0026 Tapping Niagara's Power Resources
1922.0027 The King's Highway
1922.0028 The Construction of a Bituminous Penetration Road
1922.0029 In Vulcan's Workshop
1922.0030 The Twin Cities
1922.0031 Resuscitation from Drowning and Electrical Shock
1922.0032 When Summer Comes
1922.0033 The Educational Playgrounds
1922.0034 Prospecting for Gold
1922.0035 Farm Drainage
1922.0037 Northern Ontario
1922.0038 By Quinte's Shores
1922.0039 Fighting the Sand Dunes
1922.0040 Making Pig Iron
1922.0041 Training Homemakers
1922.0042 Developing Natural Resource
1923.0001 Mountaineering by Canoe
1923.0002 Pidgin Land
1923.0003 Beyond the Sunset
1923.0004 From Peasant to Farmer
1923.0005 The Silver Fox Industry of Canada
1923.0006 The Land of Ancestral Gods
1923.0007 Shanghai Hangchow and Nanking
1923.0008 Student Life in Canada
1923.0009 Wire Service of the C.P.R.
1923.0010 Montreal the Romantic Metropolis of French Canada
1923.0012 The Carrier Indians of British Columbia
1923.0013 Bella Coola Indians of British Columbia
1923.0014 [Mackenzie Park]
1923.0015 [Bella Coola Valley and Mackenzie Park]
1923.0016 A Naturalist in the Arctic
1923.0017 Building a Modern Grain Elevator
1923.0018 In Lumberland
1923.0019 The Land of Rivers
1923.0020 Culling Hens
1923.0021 Hydro-Electric Power on the Farm
1923.0022 Helium
1924.0001 Trail, British Columbia : The Metallurgical Mecca of Canada
1924.0002 Canada's Last West
1924.0003 Four Days Open Sea
1924.0004 Hiawatha
1924.0005 A Horseback After Fish on Untrod Trails
1924.0006 Hook Line and Sinker
1924.0007 Lake of the Woods
1924.0008 A Mooseback in the Miramachi
1924.0009 Mystic India
1924.0010 Protecting the Homes of Canada
1924.0011 The Evolution of a Grain of Wheat
1924.0012 Forging the Links of Empire
1924.0013 The Deathless Splendour of Our Glorious Dead
1924.0014 Giving Canada the Onceover
1924.0015 Indian Days in the Canadian Rockies
1924.0016 Joy in Living
1924.0017 Skyland Winter
1924.0018 Trophies of a Screen Chase
1924.0019 Taking to the Tall Timbers
1924.0020 Varsity Life
1924.0021 Canning a River
1924.0022 Canadian Gold
1924.0023 Wool from the Fleece to the Finished Product
1924.0024 Hook Line & Sinker
1924.0025 [Flood At Bella Coola]
1925.0001 The Canadian Pacific Railway : A Picture Story
1925.0002 Tobique Secrets : Movie Notes from the Diary of a Guide in the Nactau Lake Country of Northern New Brunswick
1925.0003 Sky Trails in the Bear Country
1925.0004 St. Lawrence River Ice Investigation
1925.0005 White Weather
1925.0006 Canada's Capital on Skis
1925.0007 On the Trail of the Fur Brigade
1925.0008 Farm Training in Canada for Old Country Boys
1925.0009 China's Forbidden City
1925.0010 The Fishing Parson
1925.0011 From Trail to Tire Tracks
1925.0012 Golden Days at Pirate Ports
1925.0013 The Higher Life
1925.0014 Homemaking by Irrigation
1925.0015 Kicking Horse Trail
1925.0016 The Lake of the Hanging Glaciers
1925.0017 Climbing into Canada's Past
1925.0018 English Training for Canadian Farming
1925.0019 Food for Millions
1925.0020 Making New Canadians
1925.0021 Quebec Byways
1925.0022 Ridin' Around
1925.0023 The Spy of Nictau
1925.0025 Sporting Waters
1925.0026 Tsimshian Indians of Skeena River British Columbia
1925.0027 Wild and Wet
1925.0028 Wealth in Limestone
1925.0029 White Magic
1925.0030 The Seaport of the Prairies
1925.0033 The Lure of the Labrador
1925.0034 Dans le bois
1926.0002 Bombay
1926.0003 Clan Donald : A British Farm Colony
1926.0004 The Happy Hunting Ground
1926.0005 The Classic Nipigon
1926.0006 Canadian Fruit
1926.0007 Jasper and Mount Robson
1926.0008 Jasper Trails
1926.0009 The Moose Spoofer
