The McGill chapter of the Association of Moving Image Archivists will host its 2nd Annual Colloquium on April 9. It will feature talks from special guest speakers including Mark Simon Hadyn, Morgannis Graham, and Cesif research coordinator Louis Pelletier.
Event details:
Date: April 9, 2015
Time: 1 - 4pm
Venue: SIS 3661 Rue Peel, Room 106.
Louis Pelletier | Archivist and SSHRC postdoctoral fellow, Université de Montréal / Media History Research Centre, Concordia University
"Between Education and Archives : Useful Cinema and University Libraries"
The Canadian educational, sponsored and industrial film archive (Cesif), a project originating from the Department of Communication Studies at Concordia University, aims to shed light on the neglected history of “useful” cinema in Canada, by far the most active area of filmmaking in the country throughout the last century. It has constituted an online database providing production credits, critical commentaries, and data on archival holdings for more than 3,500 privately produced Canadian titles. This presentation will focus on the digitization programme recently undertaken by the Cesif project, as well as on the particular importance of the film collections constituted by colleges and universities for the project. The possibilities paradoxically opened by the neglect to which these institutional film collections were often subjected over the last decades will more particularly be discussed.
Mark Simon Hadyn | Archivist and occasional programmer based in Toronto
In this short talk, insight will be offered into issues relevant to graduating moving image archivists. The speaker will discuss his experiences as an entry-level employee in the field, as well as discussing extracurricular activities like research and voluntary work. Additionally, as an attendee of the association's 2014 conference, the speaker will relay news and information from the field, detailing projects of interest to young archivists.
Morgannis Graham | Municipal archivist and records manager for the City of Westmount
"Budgets, Lies, and Videotape"
Most archivists will be expected to handle the preservation of moving pictures at some point in their careers. Some organizations will have freezers full of films, with clearly-defined policies and procedures in place for their care. Others will have a single unidentified VHS tape hidden under stacks of correspondence. Most will lie somewhere in between. This talk will explore different experiences surrounding the preservation of moving pictures while, at the same time, attempting to juggle the ideal of best practice with the reality of limited resources.
About AMIA: The Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) is a non-profit professional association established to advance the field of moving image archiving by fostering cooperation among individuals and organizations concerned with the acquisition, description, preservation, exhibition and use of moving image materials. For more information, visit AMIA website here.
Photo courtesy School of Information Studies, McGill University